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Club de la cena

Los participantes del club social participarán en actividades diseñadas para fomentar la interacción social y cultivar un comportamiento social apropiado a lo largo de la sesión.

¿Qué es Supper Club?

Club de la cena

Supper Club is a social club for young adults who could use a little help socializing with peers. This is an opportunity to meet with a small group in a low pressure setting. Stop by your favorite fast food restaurant and bring your dinner. This club meets the first Friday of every month from 6PM to 8PM. 


Club de la cena
Escuela secundaria/preparatoria

​Supper Club High/Middle is a social club for high school and middle school teens who could use a little help socializing with peers. This is an opportunity to meet with a small group in a low pressure setting. Stop by your favorite fast food restaurant and bring your dinner. This club meets the second Friday of every month from 6PM to 8PM. 

Noche de padres fuera

Elementary Social Club is a social club for elementary aged kids who could use a little help socializing with peers. This is an opportunity to meet with a small group in a low-pressure setting. This club meets the third Friday of every month from 6PM to 8PM. 

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Precios y becas

El Supper Club cuesta $10 por participante. El Supper Club Middle/High cuesta $10 por participante. La Parents Night Out cuesta $10 por participante. Se requiere una membresía en The Arc NWMS para participar en este programa. La membresía cuesta $25.00 por año por familia. Siempre hay becas disponibles. Comuníquese con la oficina al 662-510-8989 o por correo electrónico a


6545 Carretera Elmore

Southaven, Misisipi 38671

Dirección de envio

El Arco del Noroeste de Mississippi

6545 Carretera Elmore

Southaven, Misisipi 38671


Oficina: (662) 510-8989
Móvil: (901) 907-9041

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